Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Mr. X becomes X-Squared!

Following a recent nuclear accident, 200 miles from Tokyo, I awoke this morning to discover that I have developed superpowers. The full extent of these powers is not yet known, however, many of my new abilities bear a resemblance to 'the force'. Scientologists advise me that my DNA may have mutated, no longer producing melanin, but hella-nin, which is hella-stronger. Another possibility is that my DNA was completely eradicated by the radiation, leaving my body free from the limits of humanity. In light of these new powers, Mr. X has been forced to create yet another alter-ego, Mr. X2, who fights more directly for justice.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Domain Wars!

The previously isolated domain name, Spacewar.com, recently acquired Terrawar.com, in a bid to establish a new internet news empire. The domain has divided its vanquished foe into several puppet channels with names such as Military Space, Cyberwars, Missle News and Rayguns. Mr. X calls on journalists to expose this event for what it is, a bid for world domination... from space!

Despite their devious nature, the domain hosts some important space and war related information, as seen in this recent article; Stressed Israeli soldiers to be treated with cannabis

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

My Scene Sluts

To preface this entry, the word 'slut' is generally considered to be misogynistic, condemning women for behavior typically accepted among men. However, insofar as the term is helpful in describing an attitude towards promiscuity, Mr. X has found it helpful to use the term.

What kind of person identifies with the word, in spite of it's generally negative connotation? We checked Froogle for "slutty clothes" to see if the self-proclaimed slut has any distinctive apparel. The top link, frighteningly, was for My Scene Barbie Doll, Noree, selling at Amazon. Displayed on the page, are descriptions of the My Scene brand as trendy and fashionable. Numerous customers have left comments specifically denying the dolls' slutty nature, despite any explicit accusations of such, save for the link from Froogle.

Our conclusion on this linguistic matter; while the word 'slut' may be receeding from our common lexicon, the adjective, 'slutty' has become synonymous with trendy and fashionable. To quote a customer, "[trashy] clothes - this is the style today people-get with the times."