Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Journalists smuggle headlines to Mr. X

X Sama announces a new service, Uncensored XXXTM, freely available, and offered to mainstream journalists. Mr. X will publish the original headlines of articles as well as notes on alterations made by corporate censors. We begin with three articles whose official versions mask the horrible truths uncovered.

Murdoch accused over TV news 'bias' :
Originally titled, "Why are we still accusing Murdoch of 'bias'?" The writer's conclusions that, "people who can't tell that FOX is biased are going to have a hard time reading this far anyway," were removed before publishing.

France accuses US of Aids blackmail :
Originally titled, "Alien and Sedition Acts' jurisdiction revoked in France".  The author's opiniated use of, "Damn straight," and, "Tell it Brother!" after quoting the French president, was removed in final editing.

CIA Chief Tells AP Osama Aware of Plots :
Originally titled, "CIA Chief Tells AP Osama Aware of Plots While Winking and Nudging Everyone in Pressroom"

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